Aerating is the removal of small cores of soil from the lawn using an aeration machine. It is often described as the most important thing you can do to create a healthy, thick and robust lawn.

What will aeration do for my lawn?

As lawns age or sustain heavy use from play, sports activities, pets, vehicle traffic and parking, soil compaction can result. Soil compacting forces are most severe in poorly drained or wet sites. Compaction greatly reduces the pore space within the soil that would normally hold air. Roots require oxygen to grow and absorb nutrients and water. Compaction reduces total pore space and the amount of air within the soil. It has a negative impact on nutrient uptake and water infiltration, in addition to being a physical barrier to root growth. This results in poor top growth and lawn deterioration. Core aeration can benefit your lawn by:

  • Increasing the activity of soil microorganisms that decompose thatch.
  • Increasing water, nutrient and oxygen movement into the soil.
  • Improving rooting.
  • Enhancing infiltration of rainfall or irrigation.
  • Helping prevent fertilizer and pesticide run-off from overly compacted areas.

Power Raking
Power Raking is a very effective way to remove thatch, moss, and dead debris that build up on your lawn over time without causing any significant damage.

Spring clean ups

We can come and cleanup your leftover leaves or debris before summer begins. Call us for any cleanup needs!

Your Grass needs to be fed to grow thick and healthy, let us provide your grass some nutrients to grow to it best!

Weekly Lawn maintenance (commercial and residential)
Whether your lawn is 600sq feet or just a small amount we can take care of your lawn, call us for a quote on weeklymaintenance.

Please call us for a Quote and remember to Book us early for Spring


Have Okotoks Landscaping deliver your landscaping products to your home or commercial property. We can accommodate small and large quantities. Please contact us directly for pricing.


Have Okotoks Landscaping install your landscaping products for you.


To order your landscaping products, please fill out our Online Order Form or contact us directly.